Webcomic Beacon #145: Trolls, Griefers, & Jackasses

Adam joins Fes, Tanya, and Mark to discuss internet trolls, griefers, and jackasses. Complete with stories, examples, as well as the last word. We even go into some “false positives” as far as trolls may be concerned.


Cover Art by: “TweetIJJ” (It’s Just Josh).

Also, did you catch the Tropecast #1: Cast Fillers, aka  Episode #144? That updated earlier this week.

Notes: The break song was Sorry, My Brother’s a Jerk by Hot Waffles, Urban Dictionary: Troll, The Webcomic List, Webcomics Weekly #71, Sherm Sherman’s Twitter, ComicGenesis Troll Thread, Art of Trolling, Milestones: Smyzer and Blyde (2yrs)

Webcomic Beacon #144: The Tropecast #1: Cast Filler Tropes

In this Tropecast (aka Webcomic Beacon #144), Mike Delheim (Prepare to Die) joins Fes, Adam, and Alex to discuss the trope of “Cast Fillers”. Including “Those Two Guys”, “Power Trio”, “Recurring Extra”, “Ascended Extra”,  and “Ghost Extras”.

TV Tropes: “Cast Filler Tropes


Webcomic Beacon #143: Core Plot Devices: MacGuffins, Chekov’s Gun, & Red Herrings

Jules Rivera (Marsh Rocket) and Adam Smithee (The Apple of Discord) join Fes, Tanya, and Mark to discuss Chekov’s Gun, MacGuffins, and Red Herrings! An episode chock full of discussion on prime plot devices. In future Webcomic Beacon EPs, we’ll take closer looks at specific tropes, but for now, please enjoy this episode! It’s informative; plus includes deviant boob discussion, and Mark cursing like a sailor at one point.


Cover Art by: Donna Kebab

Notes: The break song was The Plot by White Rabbits, Webcomics Weekly, Valkyrie Squadron, Apple Valley, Webcomics: What’s Cooking?, 30 Characters, , Milestones: I’m Not Mad (2yrs), Dan and Mab’s Furry Adventures (DMFA) (10 years!)

Webcomic Beacon #142: Newscast #1: Comic News and Discussion for Nov 14, 2010

Fes is joined with Rosscott and Alex Heberling for this first episode of the Webcomic Beacon Newscast programming! We also have newshound Eric/Drowemos to thank for snooping out stories.


Comic news & Discussion: We talk about the Machine of Death book and the griping of Glenn Beck. PayPal has finally introduced a micropayments system with more reasonable fees. Several digital comic firsts including Rob Liefeld, Heavy Metal, Stan Lee and MTV. Also an interesting happenstance with 4Chan and the comic Underground. Finally we talk a bit about the future of comics, and webcomic women getting into adult comics.

Show Notes: Machine of Death, Rob Liefleld’s Zombie Jesus, PayPal Micropayment Press Release (via Business Wire), PayPal’s Micropayment product page, Stan Lee and MTV Geek announcement of The Seekers (via NY Comic Con via The Associated Press via Yahoo News), MTV Geek, Heavy Metal Magazine Presents it’s first digital comic, Gates, 4Chan bootlegs Underground, Underground, 10 Things to Know About Comics (Comixology original article) (Webcomic Overlook’s response article), Smut Pedler (Adult comic anthology by women, headed by Spike of Templar, AZ), Filthy Figments,

Book Releases (some grandfathered in): Questionable Content (book 1), Least I Could Do (book 7), The Zombie Hunters (book 1), Dead Winter (book 1), Zita the Spacegirl (book 1), The Book of Biff (book 5), Problem Sleuth (book 2), Machine of Death, Underground, Fera (book 1)

Webcomic Beacon #141: Professional Coloring with Melissa Kaercher

Melissa “Chebutykin” Kaercher (The Geek Life) joins Fes, Tanya, and Mark to teach us a thing or two about professional coloring, particularly for printing. Of course the crew gets all geeked out with having Melissa on. She goes into several key aspects about preparing your line work for proper print-coloring. Lots of instruction, follow along with your copy of Photoshop!


 Check out the recorded Ustream video we did during this show! Video and audio quality isn’t perfect, but is the best we could do with the settings. It can still serve as a comic coloring tutorial, as well as being entertaining!

*** I apologize, but the video portion has accidentally been deleted…..… – Fes

Notes: Capstone Press, Dr. Blink: Superhero Shrink, Green Ronin, Mutants and Masterminds (Wild Cards [PDF]),  Adam duKraker, George R. R. Martin, Femme Noir, Melissa’s comic portfolio, WAGON Webcomic Battle Trading Card GameMilestones: Neko Machi (1 yr)


Webcomic Beacon #140 (EP): The 30 Characters Challenge

Welcome to the FIRST “Extended Play” episode of The Webcomic Beacon’s Extended Programming line. EPs are off-schedule shows that can happen at any time. They will typically be shorter, single-subject focused episodes. In this episode Tyler James (Tyler James Comics) joins Fes to discuss his 30 Characters Challenge, originally created in November of 2009.


Webcomic Beacon #139: Manga-Style Webcomics

Shouri (Springette) and Molly Hayden (Northwind) join Fes, Tanya, and Mark to discuss webcomics done in a “manga” stylings. We attempt to define what “manga” is, as well as the controversial “right-to-left” versus “left-to-right”. Tanya also  struggles to maintain a connection.


Cover Art by: Shouri.

Notes: The break song was Animé Fan by The Great Luke Ski featuring Carrie Dahlby, B.I.B.L.E.Aurore Black Cat, Ka-Blam, ComixPress, Yonkoma/4-Koma (wikipedia), Omake Theater, Red String, Penny And Aggie, Eerie Cuties, Ménege à 3, Flipside, Skyfall, Pandect, Kawaii Not, Don Hertzfeldt’s REJECTED, Exiern, Fleen, ComixTalk, The Apple of Discord, 30 Characters Challenge, Webcomic Character Twitter Accounts, , Milestones: X-Why (3 yr), Questionable Productions (3 yrs), Angry Faerie (100)