Webcomic Beacon Spring 2012 Giveaway
Current Prizes (more may come):

The Webcomic Beacon has some comic giveaways for the coming 4th Anniversary Special in December. Many ways to enter, multiple chances! Entries count from now until Spring 2012 Giveaway.
- You can draw us a usable* “Becky Art” that we can use for the cover for a future episode. Multiple entries allowed, per art (Limit 3 Entries).
- Leave us a useable* voicemail at 320-310-0922 (or email us an MP3), with a question or comment or criticism for and/or about ANY of the programs on The Webcast Beacon Network. Multiple entries allowed (Limit 3 Entires).
- Leave a short voicemail or email telling us why you like listening to The Webcomic Beacon (or any of the programming on The Webcast Beacon Network)! (Limit 1 Entry)
- Sign up for the Webcast Beacon Referral Program. Then use a custom link to get people to the site, and get an entry for every 10 referrals! (Limit 10 Entries)
What we have for giveaways, SO FAR:
Family Bones – Volumes 1 & 2 (FOUR COPIES TO BE GIVEN AWAY!)
►Both Books as One Prize
The Boobles: Melon – Volume 1 Package (OFFERED TO THE FIRST WINNER!)
►Breast Cancer Research – Music Parody CD
Each email/voicemail must be tied to one person, so you must give us your name (and email if you used voicemail). If you have a website, please also list that. People using multiple emails will be disqualified.
Winners will be determined via multiple random draw (if more than a single prize). With the first person drawn getting first choice of prize. Then their entries will be removed for the 2nd draw, which gets first choice of what’s left; and so-on until all prizes are claimed. People will have a week to respond, or they will forfeit their prize pick.
Do you have something that you would like to send us to giveaway as a prize on the 4th Anniversary Special of The Webcomic Beacon? More Info:
*By “useable” I just mean an honest attempt. This is going to be subjective, but I think everyone knows what we are hoping for.
About Art: While we have no almost restrictions on what people can draw for us, we reserve the right not to use any art (for instance, if it may be inappropriate); but it would still count as an entry. More info:
About Voicemails: Voicemails can be for hosts, guests, topics, related to old or coming episodes. Even if we don’t use your viable question or comment on the air, it will still count as an entry.
Try to keep voicemails short, maybe no more than a couple minutes.