Webcomic Beacon #41: Open Forum Discussion #4

Mark Savary joins Fes, Tanya, and Aaron as we just sit back a bit and shoot the breeze about webcomics in an open forum. We also rag on The Gigcast a bit, but only because we love them! And we are not at all copying them in any way…. no, we’d never do that. Zack of Unamused Comics brings us this week’s cover!

Steve Notley of Bob the Angry Flower introduces our show this week!


Milestones this week: Cigarro & Cerveja (10 years and ending) and The Far Reaches (200). On the Beacon Searchlight we look at, and give our impressions on Geist Panik. Do you have a milestone to report? Would you like us to give our (positive or negative) impressions on your comic? Send a notice to us at WebcomicBeacon@gmail.com.

Notes: Sites mentioned: Hatpire, Last Place Comics, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Book of Biff, Perry Bible Fellowship, Kawaii Not, Minus, DrunkDuck.com, ComicGenesis.com, Rampage Network, Xepher.net, Webcomics Nation, Comic Dish, Smack Jeeves, Something Awful Comic Forum, The Gigcast, Levelator (Program), A Taste of Evil, Dresdson Codak, Jenny Everywhere, Union of Heros, Sugary Serials, Super Fogeys, Socks, Penny Arcade, Spiky-Haired Dragon, Worthless Knight, Hookie Dookie Panic, and thanks to Jinxtigr for being especially active in our chat room during our weekly live broadcast and recording!

Also, Tanya Rocks The Gigcast.

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Good show again. I liked it.

Dresden Codak, hmm…
I’ve not had any issues with the Hob arc right up until that last page. Every other page I’ve understood perfectly (at least I think I have), but that last one completely loses me. I was expecting at least another three or four pages and an ending that was a little less… odd, I guess.

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