Webcomic Beacon Newscast Special Report: Additional Perspective on Carreon vs The Oatmeal

Eric Kimball was fascinated by the turbulence between Charles Carreon, The Oatmeal, and the internet (as discussed in the Webcomic Beacon Newscast for June 24, 2012); so he went out and did a few interviews with lawyers and people who have had experience with such lawsuits.

On this special report: Attorney John Dozier (Dozier Internet Law, P.C.), Attorney Kennith White (Popehat), and Entrepreneur Jeremy Bernal (SexyfurNSFW).

Kennith White also gave us some additional information:

  1. The Citizen Media Law Project has an excellent legal guide.
  2. The Public Participation Project has a great guide that outlines anti-SLAPP laws in different states.
  3. No discussion about the legal protections given to satire is complete without a reference to Hustler v. Falwell.
  4. This is my explanation of what anti-SLAPP statutes are and how they matter in getting rid of a frivolous case quickly.

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