Looking for interested reviewers and tutorial seekers.
So, you may have heard that The Webcast Beacon Network (under Fesworks, LLC) had long ago bought the website WebcomicZ.
So, you may have heard that The Webcast Beacon Network (under Fesworks, LLC) had long ago bought the website WebcomicZ.
I’d like to announce the winners of the Webcomic Beacon 4th Anniversary Special Giveaway results! First of all, thanks to all those who have entered!
The Webcomic Beacon has some comic giveaways for the coming 4th Anniversary Special in December. You can enter in at least TWO ways right now. You can also get MULTIPLE ENTRIES!
New show: “First Issue” Comic Book Reviews. Coming up: The 4th Anniversary Special of The Webcomic Beacon!
Jenny Everywhere Day is almost here! This will be the tenth anniversary of the Jenny’s creation and I’d really like to have a large number of submissions to really show off what’s possible with the character.
June 10, 2011: The Webcast Beacon Network is Born Out of a Re-Branding of Long-Running The Webcomic Beacon Podcast (since 2007). New series include The Tropecast and Webfiction World.