Webcomic Beacon #129: stripShow & Other Comic Management Systems

Brad Hawkins, Thomas Overbeck, and Ben Carver join Fes, Tanya, and Mark to discuss a few different management systems to work for webcomic websites.


This includes Comic Reef, Drupal, and stripShow (for WordPress). We also get a call-in about AutoGenesis.

Cover Art by: Thomas Overbeck

Notes: The break song was Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton, BROWSER COMPATIBILITY TESTING OPTIONS, Inkblot+Webcomic, ComicPress, AutoGenesis BETA, Crossing Death, Minneapolis Indie Xpo, Dallas Webcomics Expo, Intervention Con, W3 Schools, Intragalactic, Between Failures, Freezer Burns, Alex Heberling, Rice Boy, WebcomicZ, The Peculiars indie action film, Milestones: TGT Webcomic Podcast (2 yrs)


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The market for IE6 is people at work where the stations are all cloned from an XP disc and they just ghost over the whole thing when there’s a virus.

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