Webcomic Beacon #62: Open Forum: What’s in a Name?

Zack (Insert Comic Here) and Rachel (Last Res0rt) join Fes, Tanya, and Mark to discuss some of the meanings behind, and reasons for, the names we pick for our webcomic characters. We are ALSO joined by several callers that were listening to the show LIVE on our Sunday Afternoon Broadcast! What were YOU doing? Watching the “Super Bowl”?



Cover by Zack of Insert Comic Here.

The people who called in were: Adrian from Jayden and Crusader, Ben Carver from Point Guardian, Jules Rivera from March Rocket, Alexantra from Garanos, and  Gray Liliy from The Adventures of Wiglaf and Mordred

Beacon SearchLights: The Great Space Race, Alone in a crowd, Mikey’s life, Twisted Musings, Between Failures , Between Failures, The Adventures of Wiglaf and Mordred, Synchronism

Thanks to George for recording the sites mentioned on the show:
Webcomic Overlook, Least I could do, Gastrophobia, Questionable Content, Krazy Bov Comics

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Hey guys! Thanks for spotlighting Synchronism! I’m glad you seem to like it 🙂

Mark had my art style nailed – I use primarily brush and ink on bristol. The panel borders are sharpie and the lettering is Micron. I’m switching back to using Microns for some of my detail work, though. (Also, the first 3 pages are all in Micron)

Also, I’m working on the navigation to make this more obvious, but be sure to click on the pages for comics 1, 2, 5, 6, and 9 (they’re interactive).

And a few notes on my own character’s names…
Karma was named keeping her mother in mind. As her mom is going to be a fairly significant character in the comic, I named the daughter something that the mother would probably have chosen at the time.

Though my favorite character name origin ever is Travis, whose name I got from the high scores display on an arcade game 🙂

Also, Fes, you said Twisted Musings made you “drunk on puns”? I guess you could say it made you… “pun-ch drunk”? 😀

It was actually a Searchlight 😛

Maybe I should change or modify the names o_O

I forgot about the strips that have extra strips behind them! Interesting.

Oh, and your pun? Nope, I think you need to be kicked in the balls now 😛

Hey guys! Thanks for the searchlight on Mikey’s Life! I really enjoyed all the positive comments! It means the world to me! I was especially surprised that Mark liked it–that meant so much to me! Thanks, Mark! BTW, I do draw everything using microns on bristol and sometimes a brush pen or a #6 brush for some of the bolder lines and outdoor scenes. Again, I can’t thank you guys enough for the kind words! I’d love to do a Slice of Life podcast, just let me know when! 🙂

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