Fes, Tanya, and Aaron are talking about 24 Hour Comics! We had a few audio irregularities this episode, but please enjoy nonetheless! Tanya also presents us with 6 helpful tips to fail (and some to succeed)!
Greg Dean of Real Life Comics introduces our show this week!
If you are planning a 24 Hour Webcomic for 24 Hour Comics Day (Oct. 18th), post a note on our official forum! Post what you are planning, and where we can see progress updates and the final product! We’ll go over the list on the next show and check some out!
This week’s Searchlight is Nuclear Test: Life…. though we may not review comics like this anymore. Milestones: My Lady (completed), Song Stress (completed), Last Res0rt (100 strips), Zortic (RETURNS!), Dr. Sheep and the Aardvark (200), Elf ‘n Troll (ending), Dock Boys (6 years), Super Fogeys (2 years) . Do you have a milestone to report? Would you like us to give our (positive and/or negative) impressions on your comic? Send a notice to us at WebcomicBeacon@gmail.com.
Check out the Rampage Network’s Caption Contest this month! Prizes from Evil Inc! Also, there is a drawing for Rare Jenny Everywhere playing cards for the WAGON Webcomic Battle TCG! Also, check out the Global Comic Jam for Jenny Everywhere: Miss Adventure! Sign up to draw a page today!
Notes: Sites mentioned: The Gigcast, Scott McCloud, Jenny crossover in Betapwned, Wikipedia: 24 Hour Comics, Squid Works Comic Co-Op, Diana Nock at Jinxville, The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Fallcon (Minnesota), Wapsi Square, Ryan Dow, Blank it Comics, Mad Scott, Find My Brick, XKCD, Perry Bible Fellowship, Buttersafe, Toothpaste for Dinner, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Frumph, Webcomics Inc, Halloween Cameo Caper 2008, Gilbert and the Grim Rabbit,
Other Webcomics from Fallcon, but I neglected to mention on the show: Business Casual, Rasputin Catamite, Staple Genius, Catnose Comics, Red Zone, Superfantisca Comix, Demon Eater, Straygo, Junior Varsity, The Local Haunt, The Planet Closest to Heaven, That’d Be Sweet, Studio Anti Thesis, and appologies to ones I forgot or lost their card to!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
I forgot to mention that the last Squidworks 24 Hour Comic compliation is available for free download through Wowio here – http://www.wowio.com/users/product.asp?BookId=4411&Link=1
I’m not in it… you know… ’cause I suck. *laughs*
I’ll make it this year though!
Thanks for the mention! I will always welcome free advertisement! However, there may be a bit of confusion with what exactly Super Fantastica is…
Super Fantastica is a mini comics anthology with a web presence (i.e. a website). There are no comics located on the site itself. Instead, you can find the books at comic shops that are gracious enough to carry mini comics.
However, being the EIC/publisher of SFC, doesn’t mean I don’t have a webcomic. Hell, everyone has a webcomic nowadays! My webcomic is located at bewilderedkid.com, accompanied by a blog and news on other projects.
Just wanted to clarify the plug a little. Thanks! BTW, it was great meeting you at the con, Fes!