Webcomic Beacon Newscast: Comic News & Discussion for March 24th, 2013


Kurt Sasso joins Ben Carver and Fes Works are here for another edition of the newscast! Just a short conversation of comic news  this week with “Donglegate” at Pycon and the craft of the “Strawman Argument”.


Donglegate at Pycon
This is a story that details the wrong way to act/react to something you consider controversial at a convention or convention-like setting.  The specific incident of the article is about a Python programmers convention in which a female programmer overheard two programmers talking about ‘forking’ and ‘dongles’, took ap icture, tweeted it with the express purpose of trying to get the programmers fired. (source: ars technia)

Additional perspective from Amanda Blum, regarding Adria Richards, as mentioned by Ben on the show.

Arguments constructed in a world of straw
Pursuant to our discussion a couple of podcasts ago about the dangers of strawman arguments in our comics, David Herbert has written an article on the very topic over at the Webcomic Overlook (http://webcomicoverlook.com/2013/03/13/world-of-straw-guest-opinion-by-david-herbert/).

New (short) video: “The Rise Of Webcomics” from PBS
PBS’ “off book” series features a short (7:39) video about webcomics, linked to over at Robot 6. The video includes contributions by internet-famous creators (the two that stood out for me were Andrew Hussie of MSPaint Adventures and Nicholas Gurewitch from The Perry Bible Fellowship.

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Yeah, this article was my first and my weakest. I’d like to think I’ve improved. However I would highly disagree with Sohmer, since while he used to go over the top, he clearly has an agenda in the story I referenced in my article. If you go to web archive and look at the blog posts around there, he not only defends what Rayne is saying but mocks everyone who pointed out that it was not economically feasible. Aside from that, yeah, not my best.

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